We need to adjust the distribution of incomes, standardize the way income is distributed, and increase the income of people in the lower and middle income brackets. 要调整收入分配关系,规范收入分配秩序,增加中低收入者的收入。
To restrict the distribution of bonus and other incomes; 限制分配红利和其他收入;
An Empirical Study on Adjustment of Individual Income Tax to Distribution of Incomes of Urban and Township Residents 个人所得税调节城镇居民收入分配的实证研究
From the 1930s to the early 1980s, for example, Britain maintained a balanced distribution of income by hitting what were deemed to be indecently high incomes with very high tax rates. 例如从20世纪30年代到80年代初,英国用高税率打击那些高得离谱的收入,使收入分配保持均衡合理。
Egalitarianism: The tax system should try to achieve a more equal distribution of after-tax incomes. 平等。税收体系应该对税后收入进行更平等地分配。
Our essential way and long-term task to overcome or shrink the distribution gap of personal incomes are to develop market economy on a large scale. 克服或缩小个人收入分配差距的根本途径和长期任务是大力发展市场经济。
However, it faces with challenges and dilemmas in enterprise's establishment, organization, cooperation, run, even in creation of product and distribution of incomes because of the involvement of more than one interest group. 然而由于多个利益主体的介入,基于知识联盟的企业技术创新在联盟的创建、组织、协调、运行,乃至成果的产生和收益的分配等方面都充满矛盾与挑战;
To reinforce and perfect the system, measures should be taken in terms of philosophy, the placement of positions, recruitment, assessment, distribution of incomes, and unemployment. 当前,高校应从思想观念、设岗、聘用、考核、分配、分流等方面着力巩固和完善全员聘用合同制。
Study on Distribution of Land Incomes Between Governments by the Game Theory 政府内部土地收益分配的博弈分析
According to the reality of our country, we should focus on the four targets, that is, the usage of talents should be socialized, allocation marketing, distribution of incomes valuation and variation. 根据我国实际,开发科技人才应重点确立四大功能目标,即人才使用社会化、人才配置市场化、收益分配价值化、人才投入多元化。
Deepening distribution system reform ramming common enrichment foundation& present situation and its countermeasures of residents 'incomes disparity in Suzhou 深化分配制度改革夯实共同富裕基础&宿州市城市居民收入差距现状及其对策
The Character, Structure and Distribution of Resource Incomes 试论资源收益的特征、结构与分配
The Distribution of Incomes and the Adjustment of the Economic Structure 收入分配与经济结构调整
Based on the requirements of the market-economy operation, the western distribution law analyses the problems of incomes according to the price of the production elements and the social member's contributions by the provided production elements. 西方分配理论按照市场经济运行的要求,分析了生产要素价格的决定和社会成员如何在生产中按所提供的生产要素多少及其贡献大小而获得收入的问题。
Distribution of Animal Husbandry Machinery Production Enterprises and Its Influence on Farmer Incomes over China 畜牧机械生产企业及其对农民收入影响的分析
According to Chinese practical situation, this paper also magnifies author's opinion on how to adjust the distribution policies of resource incomes. 结合我国实际,就如何调整现行资源收益分配的政策问题表明了作者的基本看法。
Unfair Distribution of Incomes Must Be Eradicated to Construct a Harmonious Society 建设和谐社会必须大力消除分配不公
The gap between the rich and the poor at the present is related to a wide range of aspects, resulting in a great disparity, which is caused not only by the flaws in the income distribution system, but also by various kinds of illegal incomes. 现阶段的贫富差距涉及面较广、悬殊较大,其原因除了收入分配制度的缺陷以外,还与各种非法非正常收入密切相关。
As the important national economic lever, Taxation plays an important role in adjusting the distribution of personal incomes. 税收作为国家重要的经济杠杆,对调节个人收入分配的起着举足轻重的作用。